2024-03-14 • Luc Kusters

Current machine learning projects

Natural Language Processing

I am working on a personal NLP project to learn about how machine learning models like GPT or deep learning translators work.

I have some experience with recurrent neural networks so I will be starting from here, as I know that attention was a mechanism originally developed to address problems with the RNN architecture.

To get an idea of how these work, I will be working through the following steps: + Seq2Seq for language translation + Seq2Seq with attention, as a first exploration into the attention mechanism + The Transformer architecture

The code is available at my GitHub

Curve recognition using Convolutional networks

I have also implemented a neural network based on the YOLO network which can be used to detect features in 1D curves. It is a fairly straightforward modification of the original YOLOv3 network.

The code is available at my GitHub.